Basic Level Course

This course is designed for students above 8 years of age. The course introduces the Abacus approach to basic mathematical calculations. It then graduates to more complex calculations that the students need to master to excel in their academic courses.
Each abacus course in divided across eight or nine levels. The exact number of levels depends upon the age of the student. Each level is spread across three months where the classes are conducted over weekends. This allows the child plenty of time to absorb, reflect, and practice the concepts in class.
Once through the programmed, students learn to handle calculations, of any level, in Science and Mathematics with ease.

The course fee for these courses covers
i. One time registration fee
ii. Tuition fee (varies across urban, semi-urban, and rural areas)
iii. Books and study material
iv. Tests and their solutions

What Makes EA Square Abacus Classes Different?

At EA square, each enrolment is not a customer but a child with unique set of talents and skills that needs to be guided and nurtured. Therefore, utmost care is taken in course content designing and delivery. Here are some aspects of EA square that makes it far different from other classes.
• Small batch size.
• Personalized attention to each student.
• Doubt-clearing sessions (not counted as a part of the regular classes).
• Regular assessment to gauge development of students.
• Corrective measures for improvement, post-assessment.
• Offline and online mega competition across all centers.
• Brain-gym activities and use of six-finger techniques on Abacus to stimulate all part of brain activity.
• Comfortably-prices courses that suits every budget.

Note from the Founder

We understand that each child is blessed with his/her set of skills and abilities. As parents and coaches, we often tend to compare students and try to bring one to the speed of another. This hugely undermines the child’s confidence and hampers learning abilities dramatically. While this may not be evident on the surface, this low self-esteem becomes a part of the child’s personality and manifests in the form of a personality disability in later years.
This why, at Equilibrium, we ensure that the classes are conducted at a pace comfortable for each child to pick up concepts and learn. Each course level comprises 12 lectures spread across 3 months, with a space of one week between two consecutive classes. And each course is divided across eight or nine levels. The number of levels in a course depends upon the age of the student
This allows the child to understand, absorb, and apply. It also ensures that learning happens at the gut-level and not just superficially.
No wonder that children love to attend Equilibrium’s abacus classes and do exceptionally well even long after the course completion.

We believe every child should get a chance to bloom and flourish.
Will you allow your child this privilege?
If you decide to give your child a chance to learn, let us know. We would love to help you.
Hope to see you soon at one of our centers.

Contact us for a Free Demo Class